3 keys to re-ignite your motivation when it’s gone

When it comes to success, there is one key that may be more important than even such factors as talent, knowledge, money or connections. Know what it is?


You won’t reach your goals without the motivation to even take action toward them! But, motivation is fleeting and you NEED to develop the skill set to re-motivate yourself when (not if) you’re not feeling it. 🙃 And newsflash… everyone loses motivation, even the most successful people you are thinking of right now.

Here are the 3 keys to re-ignite your motivation when it’s gone.

Author Dan Pink writes in his best-selling book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, that the there are three components of motivation that compel individuals to get things done.

The traditional method of motivating ourselves and others using a carrots and sticks type of reward system is ineffective.

Three Elements of Motivation

The three elements of motivation Pink discusses in his book are autonomy, value and competence.

Autonomy refers to the amount of control or independence you feel over a task or action. When you feel that you have input regarding the task, you are more likely to follow through.

Value is the significance or importance to you. Basically, if it matters to you on a personal level, you will feel more motivation than if you are simply given an assignment to do something that you feel no connection to.

Competence comes from your feeling of mastery as it relates to practice and hard work, not necessarily to your natural abilities. If you spend time developing competence toward a goal, you will be more motivated to complete it.

Strategies to Increase Motivation

So, we know motivation doesn’t last…

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar

But you CAN increase it and get back into it when motivation is low (or gone).

Using the concept of autonomy as a guide, let’s consider ways to add a sense of control or involvement into activities that need to be completed. One way to do this is to take ownership of a chore or add some aspect of self-direction to it.

If you are having difficulty starting a project such as writing an article or blog, it may help to think of all the ways doing so will set you apart as an expert. In doing so, you’ll see that writing is a necessary component to sharing your unique views with potential business partners or customers.

To add value to your task, you want to make it meaningful or personal. Find a way to add purpose to that item on your to-do list. This involves changing your perspective or the way you look at that item. Completing your taxes is an annoying and dreaded chore for most of us, but you can add purpose to it by focusing on the work you’ve done that reflect the numbers on the page or the success of your business through your efforts.

Finally, competence. Feeling mastery requires practice. For example, you’ll soon see your workout area as less of an adversary the more workout sessions you endure. So, along with the ultimate goal of getting fit, you’ll soon see each session become easier, leading to a feeling of accomplishment. 

Does this make sense? Do you see that it’s not about always staying motivated?

In fact, “always motivated” is a myth. No one is ALWAYS motivated. But those who know how to reignite their motivation through these mindset shifts, are the ones who are most likely to hit their goals in life!

I’d love to hear what you think!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2
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