5 Ways To Detox Your Body

If you experience brain fog, random body aches, and suffer from exhaustion and lethargy, it may be time for a detox.  Or, if you have been exposed to mold or if you have breast implants, this is also another cause to detox!

In case you missed it, I have a full 10-day Detox program that you can download FOR FREE here.

But first, you may be wondering WHY it’s important to Detox and how to get started…

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While the body has natural detoxification processes built-in, such as sweat, urination and crying, there are things you can do to help move it along. 

Have you ever heard the saying, “a pinch of preparation is worth a pound of cure?” That applies here. Yes, you can detox your body effectively, but it’s better to take precautions and avoid exposure or ingestion of toxic chemicals and substances in the first place. 

To reduce toxins in your body, start with prevention. Cut down on harmful and unhealthy substances such as coffee, alcohol, foods high in saturated fats and refined sugars.  Ingesting these foods increase body toxicity.

In addition, limit or eliminate the use of toxic chemicals in your home and in your cleaning supplies. Sometimes these are hidden by companies that “green wash” their labels, making you think they’re toxin-free but they’re really not. Do your research! BioKleen has great cleaning products, and you can buy them online.

Reducing your toxin exposure and intake will reduce the frequency with which you need to detox in the first place.  

5 Ways To Detox Your Body

1- Juice Fast

One of the fastest ways to detox the body is by juice fasting. During a juice fast, you avoid all solid foods. Drink only water and juice made from fresh fruits and vegetables.  Avoid store-bought juices, as these contain excess sugars. The best way to juice fast is to prepare healthy, delicious juices at home. That way, you know what you are consuming. 

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Making juice at home is a breeze if you have a good juicer. Luckily, you can get a great juicer at an affordable price shipped to you overnight if you know where to look. 

This centrifugal juicer is an excellent choice if you are on a budget and don’t have tons of cash to spend on an expensive juicing machine. It’s easy to use and easy to clean (which is a big deal with juicers, as you’ll have lots of pulp and other fruit and vegetable shavings to eliminate after each use).  

One of the most incredible benefits you may receive from juicing for detox is weight loss. You could potentially lose 10 pounds in one week of juice fasting, depending on your starting weight. 

It’s ideal for a beginner to try juice fasting for just one to three days, however. If you plan to go longer than that, seek assistance from a HOLISTIC health professional or functional medicine practitioner.

2- Water fasting

Water fasting is not for the faint of heart. It’s stricter than a juice fast, as the only thing you consume while water fasting is water. The detoxification benefit to water fasting is that you allow your digestive system a complete break. As such, all your energy goes to self-repair and strengthening any physical damage, while speeding up the body’s natural detoxification process. 

While fast and effective, water fasting is challenging and potentially dangerous if you plan to go longer than a day or two. Seek professional assistance if you choose to try this. 

3- Change your diet

Whether you’d like to try juice fasting or water fasting for detox is up to you. But there are much safer, gentler ways to achieve similar results.  

The first way to help your body detox is to overhaul your diet. Opt for whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats such as chicken breast and fish. Avoid fast foods or packaged items high in saturated fat and sugar.  Buy organic whenever possible and take the BEST supplements you can!!

4- Use the sauna

I love my sauna!! One of the body’s natural detoxification methods is releasing harmful chemicals through sweat. You can gently give your body a boost by spending ten to fifteen minutes in a relaxing sauna. The sauna is excellent for removing chemical buildup in fat cells. Combine regular sauna use with a healthy diet and exercise will keep your body and immune system healthy.

5- Dry brushing

Finally, dry brushing your skin is another gentle way to detox your body. All you need is a dry skin brush made of soft bristles.  If you need a brush, you can find many excellent options at affordable prices.  This natural bristle brush removes dead skin, stimulates blood flow, has a long handle for hard-to-reach areas, and is soothing to the touch, too! Use it just before taking a shower. Start at your feet and lightly brush in a circular motion, upward to your chest. Work your way upward until you’ve covered your entire body. The whole routine should take about three to five minutes. 

Do you need a detox?

I hope you find this helpful!

Leave a comment if you have any questions or message me on social media!

Want my best health and wellness tips for starting to DETOX your LIFE and get on the road to holistic wellness and health? Download my full 10-day detox program for FREE, here (includes a cookbook, kitchen cleanout, shopping lists, program guide, supplement suggestions, and more!)

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