Anti-inflammatory: Ginger Turmeric Tea

Let’s make a delicious anti-inflammatory tea. This tea is perfect for those of us healing gut dysbiosis, killing pathogens like viruses, parasites, mold, candida, and Lyme and Co’s. This tea reduces inflammation, soothes upset stomachs, and eases indigestion.

Remember that the killing of pathogens releases a massive amount of endotoxin-bits of the pathogens-which then need to be cleared by the body. The resulting symptoms of this inflammation from die-off are called HERX or Herxheimer Reaction.

I make big batches of this soothing drink and sip on them throughout the day. I recently started a new herbal protocol for my Lyme which has flared greatly since being sick after we moved at Christmas… It includes Japanese Knotweed, Cat’s Claw, Andrographis, Garlic, Sasparilla, and Berberine. A very powerful combo-it has made me Herx like crazy this past week, the whole 9 yards: headache, sleeplessness, sore muscles and joints, and crazy gas and bloating.

This tells me that I have some gut dysbiosis-my most recent GI test showed: roundworm, protozoa, 2 different bacteria overgrowth, and everyone’s favorite: Candida. UGH! LOL!!!

So, when this happens, I take 1/3 of my herbal dose, took ivermectin last night, and will again today-it’s anti-inflammatory-will sip on this tea, do a chamomile enema & then a coffee enema: do you want a post on those? ;-)


Buy organic ginger and turmeric root (lemon & cinnamon-if you like)

Wash produce

No need to peel

Thinly slice 1” of each root per serving

Add 2 cups of filtered water per serving

Simmer 5 min

Strain through a stainless steel mesh filter

Add maple syrup or raw honey to sweeten to taste

Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon

Add a twist of lemon


As always I invite you to comment below, it helps me with new topics! LOVE YOU!
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🇺🇸 To your health & freedom,

Elise Lininger

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Just beginning to learn about alternative and natural health? Recommended books:

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.