I had implants for 4 years and 11 months. It seemed like such a idea, such a good idea back in February of 2015. I had nursed my two babies for a total of almost 5 years, I thought I deserved new boobs! Looking back, I’m at a loss for how I talked myself into surgery to change the way I looked. It seems like such a bad idea now, like I had amnesia or something. It didn’t really line up with my values of living a green, organic lifestyle.
It’s interesting how your brain can look for evidence to prove what you think you want is right. It’s kind of funny really. I’m sad that at the initial consult with my plastic surgeon, he didn’t recommend a lift. I didn’t even know that was an option. I think I would have chosen that, honestly. Can you imagine how different my life would be if I had done that instead? I almost can’t comprehend it. However I am ever more sad that I thought it surgically necessary to alter my beautiful, healthy body. God designed me perfectly and I wasn’t happy with that! So bonkers and a serious departure from my values 🥺
Here’s a list of everything that has happened since getting those toxic implants... treated for ulcers for 2 years with Prilosec and Zantac- (lowering stomach acid leading to a perfect environment for parasites 🐉 to grow). 2 endoscopies. 4 different radioactive, nuclear medicine scans, 3 x-rays, 1 gallbladder removal, countless IVs, ozone IV therapy, loads of supplements, multi-parasitic hyper infection, loss of my creativity/personality, separates from my family for 6 months (house has mold & sunshine is required for healing and emotional well-being), 5 trips to Mayo Clinic, medical PTSD diagnosis, daily medical marijuana use, and I’m sure there are countless other points I’m missing. Overall, $50,000+ spent on this toxic tornado of events and that’s probably a low estimate because I don’t think I could handle the real number!
Was it worth it!? HELL YESSSSS! I have learned so much about resilience, about the body’s innate capacity to heal, about healing modalities that do not line up with the western medicine model, about who my real friends-there through thick and thin, about leaky gut, and how bio/endotoxins affect the brain, parasites & cancer connection (and how to treat) genetic defects and how to clean them up.
Do you know anyone with strange symptoms that doctors can’t seem to figure out?
Share this blog post with them if they have breast implants.
They are not alone. And they’re not crazy!!
I hope you find this helpful!
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