Castor Oil Packs

What Is A Castor Oil Pack? A castor oil pack is an external application of castor oil to the body. A piece of wool flannel is saturated with castor oil and applied to a specified area with, or without, heat.

The Edward Cayce readings recommend castor oil packs, in general, to improve assimilations, eliminations, and circulation (especially of the lymphatic system) and in particular to break up adhesions of the lacteal glands. Although this therapy may seem unusual, it is one of the best documented. It was recommended, as part of a holistic approach, for epilepsy, gallstones, scleroderma, constipation (and other intestinal conditions) – just to name a few.

To Make The Pack

Materials needed: castor oil (preferably cold-pressed/processed), unbleached wool flannel (3-4 pieces or layers about 12" x 14" each), 13-gallon trash bags (cut along the edges that seal it thus giving you two identical rectangular pieces), standard or extra-large electric heating pad or hot water bottle, large plastic sheet (for example an inexpensive shower curtain sold in the Dollar Store), old sheet, paper towels, baking soda, washcloth or sponge.

The readings say that it is important to heat the pack before placing it on the body. The easiest way to do this is to put the wool flannel on top of the heating pad (the heating pad is first covered by one of the pieces of the 13-gallon trash bag) and turn the heat on. Saturate the wool with castor oil. It will warm up in about 15 minutes. Additional amounts of Castor Oil will need to be added to the pack before each use.

Please do not heat the pack in a microwave oven.

Where To Place The Pack

This will depend on what the problem is. For general use (and in epilepsy), it is placed over the liver on the right side of the body, extending, top to bottom, from about the sternum (breastbone) to about 4 inches below the navel or to the groin or pubic bone. From left to right, it extends at least from the navel, around the body as far as it will go, covering as much of the right side as possible. A larger pack, consisting of a king-size heating pad (12" x 24") and matching-sized wool flannel, will cover the liver and abdominal area more easily and is highly recommended.

Using The Pack

If possible, use the pack in the evening, when you are best able to rest. This is an ideal time to pray, meditate, read spiritually uplifting material, or listen to relaxing music. Decide where in your home you will be doing the pack. Set it up so you will be comfortable, with a pillow under your head and knees. Oil always drips from the pack so it is important to protect bedding, cushions or pillows (some people prefer to use the pack undressed in order to avoid soiling their clothes).

1 Heat is not recommended with active infections, bleeding, excessive gas, or a recent injury (less than 48 hours old).

2 The first time the wool is used, it will require a large amount of castor oil to saturate it. I also add doterra essential oils to my packs-usually Rosemary, Peppermint and Grapefruit.

Note: This method is one of the most efficient ways of making a pack. The easier and neater it is, the more likely it will be used. Saturate the wool – but not dripping.

Castor oil

3 or 4 layers of wool flannel 13-gallon trash bag

Electric heating pad

First, place the shower curtain or large piece of plastic over the area you will be laying. Then place an old sheet over that. Finally, take the other of the two pieces of the 13-gallon trash bag and position it across the sheet, under your lower back and beneath the area of your abdomen

Lie down on your back on the plastic bag. Place the pack on your abdomen, with the oiled flannel against your skin and the heating pad on top. Adjust the heating pad control to the warmest setting you can tolerate comfortably. It should be very warm (“as hot as the body can stand”), but not so hot it burns you. It’s easy to fall asleep with the pack in place so if you find that happening, be doubly careful of the temperature setting, and lower it if necessary. With a sleeping child, you might want to shut it off completely and allow body heat to keep it warm.

Keep the pack on for at least 1 to 11⁄2 hours; this is one treatment where more may be better. It can even be used overnight.

A large bath towel, folded lengthwise, placed around the entire torso, and fastened with safety pins, can also be used.

When you are finished turn off the heating pad and put it aside. Take off the pack with the trash bag and fold it in on itself and store it in a leak-proof container. Wipe off excess oil (keep paper towels close by). Cleanse the skin with a solution containing a pint of warm water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Now is the best time for an abdominal and spinal massage.

Persistence and consistency are called for with many chronic conditions. Use the pack for 3 days in a row. Then take a break for 4 days, and then repeat. This is a typical series of castor oil packs but other variations were given too (4 days on - 3 days off, or 5 days on - 2 days off, every other day, etc.).

The flannel pack can be used repeatedly and be kept in the refrigerator between usages, although this is usually not necessary as castor oil is very resistant to spoilage even at room temperature. ***Replace the pack only if it smells rancid or discolors from toxins being released from the body.

If despite all precautions, oil gets on the bedding or clothing, launder with an extra amount of your usual detergent and a couple of cups of baking soda. (Oxi Clean has also been found helpful.)

TIP:  After A Series of Packs On the evening of the final day, Cayce would generally suggest taking olive oil (not castor oil!) by mouth – typically up to two tablespoons. This was recommended especially for conditions of the gallbladder, liver, and colon. [A good time to have a colonic or start Coffee Enemas is after a series of packs.]

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🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience, training as an IHP, advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.