EASY detox, Vitamin C flush, and Ivermectin for Covid

This week, I have shared a TON of resources in my new group (Beyond the Veil)

If you want to learn more about Covid treatment, Ivermectin info in regards to Covid, Investing in Cryptocurrency for Beginners, TRUTH about politics, Effective at home Parasite Treatment Protocols, Natural Health Flushes, and other general wellness tipsjoin the group!

I want to share a couple of highlights with you here this week.

If the idea of doing a detox is overwhelming and confusing, don't worry! That is very common if you have never done one before. I remember feeling the same way.

If you are just starting to learn about natural health remedies and holistic wellness, here is an EASY DETOX you can do:


Take activated charcoal (I prefer Bulletproof brand) at bedtime and upon waking, with a glass of water, 30 minutes away from any food or vitamins.

It will bind with toxins that are excreted in the night.

Very very easy and inexpensive!

Bonus tip!! Take a probiotic and high quality fiber as well (click this link and I’ll email you the supplements I recommend for those) — just mention Easy Detox probiotic/fiber link.

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Buffered Vit C (powdered, no capsules)

BRAND: Allergy Research Group or Life Extension (you can use ascorbic acid, but some ppl have a hard time with it bc it is so acidic)


Take 1 tsp in glass of water first thing on empty stomach with a 1/4 tsp sea salt. Mix one (1) teaspoon of BUFFERED VITAMIN C POWDER into a glass of water.

  • Wait for the fizz to stop before consuming.

  • The minerals buffer out the normally acidic vitamin C to make a pleasant tasting drink.

Every 20 min take another dose

Write down how much you take until you get bubble guts (rumbly grumbling tummy) OR you reach bowel tolerance AKA “The runs” “Bubble guts”.

Now figure out your daily dose. It will be 75% of the dose that made you get The Runs.

You will take that dose divided into 3 doses daily for a week.

After 7 days, do another flush. You should need less Vit C each week.

The Vit C dose will be quite high initially. Mine was 50 grams!

*** you might feel quite sick (nausea/headache) when doing the flush. You should feel better when you start to expel 💩. I always take 2 charcoal binders at this point. (Prefer Bulletproof Charcoal, Cellcore or Microbe Formulas binders)

*** Monitor for dehydration. (Take Electrolytes/trace minerals) And possibly take a break as needed but not too long. If you have been quite sick, you will need more Vit C., than a healthy person would you reach bowel tolerance. My first flush I drank 50g Vit C! So don’t be surprised.

Happy flushing!!

This has helped me on so many levels. Constipation. Inflammation. Headaches. Gut aches. Parasites. Mold. Lyme. Other infections. I love it and so cheap!


LOOKING FOR A TREATMENT PROTOCOL to take to your doctor?

Click here to access file in group

You can ask for these meds for yourself, so you don’t get the point of low oxygen. No one should be dying. You must advocate for yourself! Nearly 100% cure rate when given early. Save this...

You can ask for these meds for yourself, so you don’t get the point of low oxygen. You must advocate for yourself! Extremely high recovery rate.

VITAMIN D-do you have adequate levels? Take daily.


Frontline Doctors & Critical Care Protocol (IVERMECTIN, etc) videos, interviews, PDF protocol for doctors. Watch this video...


——>Exposure/mild symptoms/day 1 suspected positive. Early treatment is ESSENTIAL!!!

I pass out copies all around town. TAKE EARLY!! Get all meds and supplements on hand so you can dose for family and friends. We have to take care of eachother. The medical system doesn’t have this step figured out yet. It’s up to us!


—-> Admitted/Low O2, very sick.



Used worldwide. Dominican doctors reported curing 6000 patients!


Condensed Summary of the Emerging Evidence Supporting the Use of IVERMECTIN in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of :


100s of RCT & Studies.



HCQ: 1700 patients treated

Dr Brian Tyson


Lancet said HCQ was harmful and the media spread the lies that this was harmful, scaring millions. That study was RETRACTED.


BUDESONIDE: If you progress with symptoms, you may need corticosteroids so you can breathe again. Dr Richard Bartlett. Link to his protocol:


Patient testimonials https://youtu.be/P0_q6WdaZUA

Dr Bartlett interview


Do you have any questions about HEALTH and WELLNESS or recommendations of the best supplements to buy? Reach out to me and I am happy to help you!

DOWNLOAD FOR FREE: 10-day Detox program

🇺🇸TRUTH SEEKERS: Join my group BEYOND THE VEIL (health, wellness, politics, education, and finance)

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This protocol was shared with me by my Dr and I further researched it.

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