Finding The Good When Things Are Bad

Sometimes life gets chaotic and feels overwhelming. Would you agree? Especially right now with news coming from Europe, managing your mental state is an ongoing and complex job. It’s as important as detoxing, supplementing, and all the health & wellness things. Because truly, there are so many things that can negatively affect us daily.  

I want you to focus on what YOU can control. Your own mind.

Self awareness is first when it comes to managing your mental state. When you understand how you feel, where those feelings are coming from and why you have those particular feelings, then can you begin to manage your mental state. I know… this is much easier said than done, and that’s normal, too.

Mindfully breathing is a powerful calming tool.  Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth will slow heart rate and curb anxiousness.

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Moreover, meditation will aid in clarity of mind. Fifteen minutes per day to sit in silence and clear your head does wonders for your mental state. Positive affirmations also enhance one’s state of mind. These are positive phrases you repeat to yourself daily. Try talking to yourself in the mirror in the morning. Tell yourself things like, “I am confident.” or “I am relaxed and at peace.” These positive affirmations will sink into your subconscious mind. Over time, you will start to believe the positive statements you have repeated to yourself. You can change your cognitive patterns away from negative thinking.

Don’t give in to the quick fix of self medication such as food, alcohol, or drugs. It’s not uncommon when people want to make themselves feel better, but you want to stay sharp and in tune with yourself.

Staying on top of your mental health is not an easy task. When faced with challenges throughout life, remember there are tools that can be utilized. Actively managing your mental state will result in a more self aware, calm and happier you!

In addition, taking care of your body is an essential part of caring for your overall well-being.

In fact, physical health and mental health are closely related and tend to affect one another.

Optimal physical health is difficult to achieve without mental health and vice versa.

Physical health not only refers to exercise, it includes choices that you can make to avoid illness and live a balanced life. When times are hard, stress, anxiety and fear can weaken us physically and mentally. These lifestyle choices are important for managing your physical health, especially in times of crisis. 

Staying physically active is a lifestyle choice that is beneficial in many ways. Not only does exercise make your body stronger, it can lower blood pressure, improve circulation and ultimately, help you live longer.

Physical activity can also lead to mental health improvements such as, energy and mood boosts, improvement in self image, better sleep and stress management. All of these benefits will aid in overall health. Making you more equipped to take on tension that tough times bring.

Eating right and staying hydrated will positively influence your physical health as well. Stay away from fast food and prepackaged and overly processed foods as much as possible. Rather, try to focus fresh food with a rainbow of colors!!

Colorful fruits and vegetables offer the antioxidants needed to help your body fight against cancers, heart disease and hypertension. For example, leafy greens, berries, bell peppers, carrots, broccoli and cabbage. Eating a rainbow of foods will help your body stay physically strong and boost your immune system.

Drinking ample amounts of water (alkaline is best) will also help aid in weight management, kidney function and overall mood. 

Finally, get a good night’s sleep. It’s recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Staying on a sleep schedule also helps. The body relies on sleep as a time to repair muscles and organs as well as to reset and file away memories. Being well rested will help with cognitive and immune system function.

Both mental health & physical health are equally necessary for us to be in the best shape possible to take on life’s stressors. Whatever the crisis may be, if your own personal health is managed properly, you will have a better chance of dealing with it and coming out of it in the best position possible.

And lastly, but certainly not least of all... return to love.

There's always room for more love, and always a way to find ourselves back to it.

I love you!

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🇺🇸 To your health & freedom,

Elise Lininger

🎙Detox Life PODCAST

Just beginning to learn about alternative and natural health? Recommended books:

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.