Health Update: Breast Explant Surgery Scheduled!

I am back in Palm Springs after going back to Montana for the holidays… the cold of Montana doesn’t support my healing process so I needed to go back to California for the time being. Yes, it sucks to have left my family and pets but it feels necessary to fight this.


I’m fighting Parasites, Heavy Metals, Lyme Co’s, Mold, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) & Breast Implant Illness which has led to... vitamin deficiency, low hormones, low neurotransmitters, no energy, low mood, nausea/vomiting, sleepless nights, pain in abdomen (especially liver area)…and other’s opinions.

Many of these issues are a result of some defective genes known as MTHFR & HLADR. So I don’t methylate & detox biotoxins properly.

It’s frustrating but what choice do I have? ⁣

Some people think I should just give up and take meds for the symptoms. I have seen 20 different specialists this year and received countless messages of advice and encouragement. I do feel like I’m making some progress with understanding the root causes. You name it, I have most likely tried it — conventional AND unconventional!

My next step: I am scheduled for Breast Implant & Breast implant capsule removal (full explant surgery) on January 14th!

Thank you all for your kind messages and prayers — they TRULY mean the world to me! 💝

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