New to the Detox Life and Living Naturally?

New to the Detox Life and Living Naturally? I have put together the Basic Foundation Protocol for you to cover electrolytes, trace minerals, magnesium, thyroid support etc... Take a look HERE and let me know if you have questions!

By the way...

We're discussing a lot about SERRAPEPTASE in my Telegram chat this week! Have you ever heard of it? 🍏

Serrapeptase (proteolytic enzyme) taken 30 minutes before food gets absorbed and breaks down biofilm and fibrin in the body.

When fibrin that covers over microbes is stripped away with Serrapeptase, the immune system and the antimicrobial products can more effectively gain access to those microbes.

When fibrin that is adhered to capillary walls is stripped away by Serrapeptase, oxygen is much more easily able to move from red blood cells into the tissues, thus converting predominantly anaerobic metabolism back into aerobic metabolism.

This results in a shift from a microbe-friendly lactic acidosis tissue environment to a normal acid-base environment.

Serrapeptase can be found on Fullscript. I like Nutramedix brand.

Read the following info carefully. Serrapeptase can cause Herx in those with chronic illness. I had a very bad Herx with taking 1 nattokinase, 1 lumbrokinase & 2 Serrapeptase.

Check out this article I shared in my Telegram chat for more info:

Want to discuss this and other topics? Join my Telegram chat!!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner

🎙Detox Life PODCAST

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience, training as an IHP, advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.