Ozone Therapy and Anti-Viral protocols

A couple of weeks ago I posted about my ozone therapy and the resources I refer to for anti-viral protocols, and many people asked for details about it, so I thought I’d share some info on my blog for you to refer to!

Promolife is who I go through for everything ozone therapy related!
Here’s the site I go through: 

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Have ready at home a thermometer, oximeter, nebulizer, hydrogen peroxide (I’ll share info/links in that below) glutathione, binders, electrolytes, and your fave method for bringing down fever (Tylenol and Advil are really hard on the body and use up glutathione-but if high fever you might want to take it).

Also stock up on ingredients to make some nourishing soups with bone broth, something easy you can throw in the crock pot.


Use a HOLISTIC approach to get your immune system strong with daily zinc/quercetin Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and weekly Vitamin C and/or Ozone IV.

Personally, I would treat with Vitamin C alternating with ozone IV. I have an ozone machine and do insufflations at home as well as drink ozone water.

For everything ozone therapy related, here’s the site I go through:  http://bit.ly/eliseozone 


Excerpt from DRMERCOLA BLOG below:

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide therapy is an inexpensive and simple way to treat most viral respiratory illnesses.

All you need is a nebulizer with a face mask that covers your mouth and nose, and food grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted to .1%.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom. The oxygen inactivates viral pathogens by breaking down the viral structure.


Additionally, your immune cells actually produce hydrogen peroxide. This is in part how your immune system kills infected cells. Hydrogen peroxide therapy aids your immune cells to perform their natural function more effectively.

To prevent an infection from taking hold, begin treatment at first signs of symptoms. Consult with your physician before treatment.

How Hydrogen Peroxide Works

To perform this treatment, you need but two items: a nebulizer with a face mask that covers your mouth and nose that emits a fine mist, and food grade hydrogen peroxide. Typically food grade peroxide comes in concentrations of 12% so you will need to dilute it down to .1% to use it as I describe in the video and chart below.

Viruses are not "alive" per se. They need a live host in which they can infect live cells that then replicate the viral DNA and RNA. Once a cell is infected, newly replicated viruses exit the cell and move on to the next cell to duplicate the process.

So, when we talk about "killing" a virus, we're really talking about inactivating them by breaking down their structure. This is why soap works so well. Coronaviruses are held together by a lipid (fatty) coating. Soap, being amphipathic7 — meaning it can dissolve most molecules — dissolves this fat membrane, causing the virus to fall apart and become harmless.

More specifically, the fat-like substances in soap are structurally similar to the lipids found in the virus membrane, so the soap molecules compete with and replace the fats in the membrane. In so doing, the "fatty glue" holding the virus together dissolves.

Hydrogen peroxide works in a similar way. As noted by Levy, "the way to control any viral infection is not to kill the virus; rather, the infected cells that have been turned into viral factories must be killed."

Your immune cells actually produce hydrogen peroxide. This is in part how your immune system kills cells that have been infected with a virus. By killing the infected cell, viral reproduction is stopped. So, hydrogen peroxide therapy is in essence only aiding your immune cells to perform their natural function more effectively.


Dr. Brownstein’s antiviral protocol for his patients during acute illness or exposure to someone ill:

Vitamin A (NOT beta carotene)

– Adults: 100,000 IU/day for four days for adults (not pregnant or breast-feeding women)

– Children 25-50 pounds: 20,000 IU/day for four days

– Children 50-100 pounds: 50,000 IU/day for four days

Vitamin D3

– Adults: —50,000 IU/day for four days

– Children 25-50 pounds: 10,000 IU/day

– Children: 50-100 pounds: 25,000 IU/day

(Note: Both Vitamin A and D are fat-soluble vitamins. They can build up in the body. These doses are NOT meant to be taken for longer than four days at time. If you need to repeat the doses, seek advice from your physician.)

Vitamin C: 5-10,000 mg/day. If you can take more do it. If you get loose stools, lower it.

Iodine: 25-100 mg/day and more if ill. Kids can take lower doses.

-Children: A useful number is to use 0.08mg/pound.

Don’t forget intravenous nutrient therapies are essential for helping the immune system in a time of crises. A holistic doctor skilled in nutrient IV therapy can help guide you. I have found IV hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and vitamin C wonderful treatments for my patients. We would have a lot less death and misery from COVID-19 if these life-saving therapies were taught in medical schools and utilized in hospitals.

Of course this dr has been censored for offering natural therapies. God forbid something natural compete with pharma.

Do you have any questions? Comment below and I’m happy to help!

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Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This protocol was shared with me by my Dr and I further researched it.

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