The emotional side of chronic illness

Having a chronic illness can be really tough. Physically, of course. Expected. Mentally, sure. Expected. What a lot of people don’t talk about is the emotional side of illness.

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It changes a person. Emotionally, we are designed to go within because of our deep rooted protective mechanism to survive. But, there’s a balance required. Withdrawing completely is not healthy. Nor is pretending that everything is okay and ignoring your current reality.

Creating boundaries while still expressing feelings is something that can help everyone heal- not just the chronically ill.

If you have been following my journey in wellness and through this illness, you know that I always try (even though it’s a seriously freaking hard challenge sometimes lol) to look at the bright side. To see what lessons I can learn from a struggle.

I liked what this graphic says. Maybe dealing with chronic illness is less about becoming healthy and more about becoming whole. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. So far, I’ve connected more to my personal intuition. I’ve aligned more in my relationship with my husband. I’ve created distinct boundaries to consume less of what distracts or discourages me.

Most importantly, I’m becoming excited about the future and what’s in store for me. I’m looking forward to the Hawaiian chapter in our family’s story. I’m praying for the creative juices to flow again so that I can help others who need to create financial and time freedom for themselves.

I’m sure I’ll be developing more and more as I heal through this trauma, but I want to encourage YOU that if you’re going through something similar, try your best to look forward to what you’re becoming and release the disappointment of what you think you’re lacking.

You are loved. You are whole. You are worthy of healing.💖

I hope you find this helpful!

Leave a comment if you have any questions or message me on social media!

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