The Gut-Brain Connection: How to Improve Your Mood Naturally

Hey there! Did you know that you can boost your mood naturally?

Let's dive into something super cool today - the gut-brain connection.

Okay, so you know that our belly is more than just a food processor, right?

It's home to trillions of tiny gut bacteria. 🦠

Good bacteria does so much for us, from keeping our immune system in check to even affecting how we feel mentally. 🤯

But, sometimes things can get a bit out of sync. Stress, not-so-great eating habits, or even some types of antibiotics can mess things up. Ugh, gut issues are the worst - bloating, weird bathroom visits, and all that discomfort. Believe me... been there, done THAT (IYKYK if you've followed me for a few years now) 🐛 😩

It happens to pretty much everyone, there's nothing you can do to stop it.

That's why, decades ago, I became so passionate about holistic nutrition and supplements.

But not just any supplements. Believe it or not, a lot of supplements out there literally get flushed down the toilet because your body doesn't absorb them properly, and you pee them out. But, with the supplements I use & recommend, your body uses 90+% of the ingredients which means you absorb them, your body responds to them, and you don't need nearly as much of them (no more handfuls of vitamins all day long).

🧠 Our gut can actually influence our mood and mental health, too. Ever felt those butterflies when you're excited or anxious? That's actually gut-brain magic at work! 🦋✨

Anyway, when our gut is out of whack, it can cause inflammation that can mess with our brain's chemicals and hormone production. And that's when the not-so-fun feelings creep in - you know, feeling down, overwhelmed, or just not yourself.

But... there's hope. I have talked with a lot of people who have turned their health around by implementing some good stuff like probiotics and prebiotics that team up to boost the good bacteria in the gut.

The really cool thing is that the supplements I use & recommend also support brain-healthy mood-lifting chemicals that help you feel like YOU again. 🌟🌈

Obviously it goes without saying (but I am going to say it anyway, lol) supplements always work best with a diet filled with fiber, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Keep moving, stay hydrated, get good sleep, stay away from drama and negativity, and practice some self-love too.

I think that the human body is a miracle. Don't you?!

Our gut health has this amazing impact on how we feel emotionally. And with education, I am grateful to have learned some biohacking tips over the years to stay on the right track for my health. And, very grateful to be able to share it with others, too!

You've got this! 🏃‍♀️🍎💧💕

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.