The Health Advantages Of Meditation🧘🏼‍♀️

Have you ever thought of meditation as woo-woo? 🧘🏼‍♀️ I did, at first. And then as I got closer to God in my spiritual walk, I started to feel conflicted - wouldn’t meditation compete with prayer? Here’s what I have found: meditation can be whatever YOU need/want it to be. It is personal.

🧘🏼‍♀️How Meditation Works

Meditation involves stopping your mind while maintaining a state of awareness. It is much more than sitting and concentrating in a quiet area for a designated amount of time; it involves clearing your mind of all thoughts, achieving a deep inward peace, and maintaining alertness in the process. 

People often use certain postures, breathing techniques, and even chants… but these are not required!! These things are not the act of meditation itself. Look at them as simply support tools. 

As a beginner, you could take a meditation class (or a yoga class that heavily emphasizes meditation), watch a video that introduces you to the concept of meditation and teaches you various techniques, or download my meditation guide for beginners here.

While meditation is simple… it is not easy at first. Achieving a profound, deep sense of self, a “thoughtless alertness,” requires guidance and practice.


🧘🏼‍♀️How Meditation Improves Health

Not only is meditation one of the very best ways to reduce stress (which is linked to a ton of health issues)… in fact, research has shown that 60 to 90% of doctor visits are for conditions caused by stress, while more research has shown that connects deep relaxation to genetic changes in the body. 

Studies have found that “disease fighting genes” are more active in people who regularly practice meditation, compared with people in the control group. 

These genes protect the body against a number of health issues, including:

  • Heart Disease

  • Asthma

  • Infertility

  • Arthritis

  • Various skin conditions

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Meditation even helps to boost immunity, and studies show that cancer patients have recovered more effectively due to meditation and are less at risk for developing another tumor. 

  • The benefits of stress reduction cannot be overstated. 

Meditation makes the body less responsive to stress hormones, which lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, improves digestion, improves immune support, and establishes emotional and neurological “balance.” 

🧘🏼‍♀️How does this work exactly?

It largely comes down to hormones. Stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline increase blood pressure and heart rate, while “feel good” chemicals such as serotonin, which are released in a state of relaxation, work to repair cells. 

🧘🏼‍♀️More Health Boosting Benefits Of Meditation

  • Chronic pain patients reduce their physician visits by 36% when they practice meditation

  • A 5 year study on patients who had coronary heart disease found a 48% reduction in deaths, heart attacks, and strokes in those who regularly practiced meditation vs. those who did not. 

  • A controlled trial reported significantly greater effect of Meditation in reducing anxiety over conventional medical treatments and other forms of relaxation practices.

🧘🏼‍♀️How To Incorporate Meditation Into Your Life

Here are ideas for incorporating meditation into your own life.

  1. Participate In A Group Class. You may be able to find a class in your community dedicated to meditation, or a yoga class that heavily focuses on meditation, such as Kundalini Yoga or Ananda Yoga.

  2. Use A Video To Guide Your Meditation. Some meditation videos can be found for free online, such as through YouTube! If you prefer a mix of yoga and meditation, the best types of yoga to focus on include Kundalini, Ananda, Jivamukti, and Integral. 

  3. Devote 20+ Minutes In The Morning Or Evening. 20 minutes of consistent meditation can have tremendous health benefits. Make time before your day starts or before you go to bed!

  4. Use Free Time To Meditate In Nature. Many people find that sitting in nature – under a tree, on top of a mountain, or in a quiet place in the sunshine – helps them to facilitate the meditation process. It’s also a great way to get outside for Vitamin D!!

Everyone is different. Experiment with different ways of meditating to see what you like and what comes easiest for you. Also try experimenting at different times of the day and for different periods of time, but aim for at least 20 minutes to reap the most benefit. The health effects on your body are well worth the effort!!

Do you meditate?

I’d love to hear what you think!!
What other advice would you add to this for beginners?

Download my meditation guide for beginners here.

Thank you for reading my blogs and posts!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2
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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.