The story behind my first million online in Network Marketing

In 2009, I was learning how to upload a profile picture to Facebook.

In 2015, we earned our first million from our online network marketing biz.

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It took me less than a decade to master social media and build a business that gave our family financial freedom!! 

There was a point, when I realized that living in Montana I would be limited in the amount of income we could earn, and we were drowning in debt. Unless I took advantage of the online space, we would be stuck & in debt for our entire lives. I realized that there are millions and millions and millions of people online spending money every single day! So, I decided to master the online space! It gave me leverage while living in a low population state like Montana.

We have now leveraged that income into multiple streams of revenue, through investing in real estate and other new business ventures.

I’m not sharing to brag. I’m sharing to light the FIRE in YOU!!

Put your mind to it!! Learn. Network. Lead!!

I set out to learn WHILE I was taking action.

Most people make the mistake of LEARNING a ton… but never implementing until they’re “ready” or until it’s “time”. You HAVE to take action before you’re ready. You MUST do things before you’re good at them. Don’t stay STUCK in learning-mode!

My first videos were not nearly as good as they are now. My calls, follow ups, prospecting, etc — none of that was perfect (still isn’t!) by any means… but as I learned HOW, I did the DO!


Set goals and manifest it! Leave no back door option for failure. Keep going!

So what if it takes ten years to gain the skill set that will earn your first 7-figures?

The time will pass anyway… you need to be using this time wisely!

There’s nothing that makes me more capable, special or more deserving than you.

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Have you made your success, A NON-NEGOTIABLE?
The good news is you are not doing this alone!

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