Unpopular opinion: Hustle & grind mentality is overrated for entrepreneurs

Did you know... you don't HAVE to "hustle your face off" to be successful?

Often, our culture and society glorify overworking and deprioritizing sleep. Being able to make it on 4 or 5 hours of sleep is in many circles considered a badge of honor, or just what success people do.

Many SUPER successful entrepreneurs are the antithesis of the idea of hustle 24/7/365.

They are busy, yes. But they are also thriving when it comes to exercising, sleeping, building brands, and building real, lasting connections with their loved ones and new people on a regular basis.

And they still have time to relax, observe, maybe hang out on a beach. In some cases, these folks have lived the real 4-hour work week –– except they might work 3-4 hours each week day. In other cases, they’ve figured out ways to pay others to do the work for them, building their skills in who to train others throughout the process.

A recent 80-year long Harvard study has revealed that the happiest people spend money to gain more time. That means they outsource, they build processes, they follow routines, and they train others to do the work they know needs to be done –– but that they don’t have the time to do.

The bottom line is…

Working 80+ hours a week at the expense of sleep or personal relationships isn’t the only way to be successful.

Want to learn more about what I do? Email me at coachmeelise@gmail.com or Click here for my links!

🇺🇸 To your health & freedom,

None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.

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