Water Cure Protocol

Whatever symptoms or illnesses you are dealing with, I will bet you are dehydrated.

We need to be hydrated on a cellular level to detox and clear pathogens & parasites.
Funny that western medicine has conditioned people to 'believe salt is bad"... yet they hook you up to a saline IV as soon as you are admitted!! 🤔

(from the book: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water)


How often do ppl reach for heartburn medication when it could actually be dehydration?


People take pain-killers instead of increasing intake of water/sea salt.


People take pain killers & anti-inflammatories instead of increasing hydration.


People feel yucky when they kill pathogens (in particular Lyme bugs and or parasites) increasing hydration helps immensely!


People feel yucky when doing a liver flush because of the toxin dump and the adrenal demand. Balancing electrolytes is key.


Increase hydration and take a couple of binders to bind to toxins. You would be amazed at how often this has worked for me!

How do you support the body during these challenging times?

One of my favorite ‘cures’ is the WATER CURE!

So simple, it’s easy to skip over.

Here’s what I do…

Upon waking I take a pinch of sea salt (non-refined, ocean sea salt-Premier Research Labs and dissolve it in my mouth.


Then 1 minute later I drink 10-16 ounces of water.

Do this every 2 hours.

You can even set a timer and drink water every 10-30 min. “Drinking 2-3 ounces (60-90ml) of pure drinking water every 10-15 minutes during all waking hours causes most of the water to go into the cells, hydrate the cells, mobilize toxins out of the cells and ultimately mobilize toxins out of the body (mostly through urine & feces). Drinking large quantities of water even a few times per day does not efficiently hydrate the body nor does it mobilize toxins out of the body.” Dr Cowden

Grab the book: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

I find it is much easier to stay hydrated if I drink frequently. The goal is half your body weight in ounces of water. I weigh 125, so I drink about 60 ounces of good, clean water per day-NO TAP WATER!!! If you are on city water, look into getting a water distiller, reverse-osmosis, or Berkey water filter. Get glass or stainless steel water bottles and the whole family should develop the habit of bringing their water with them.

I hope you find this simple, inexpensive Water Cure to be as beneficial as I have!

Grab the book: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

I am preparing a post to share with you all about LIVE FLUSHES.

Be sure you subscribe to my podcast: 🎙Detox Life PODCAST.

I also have shared the protocol to Fullscript so it will be easy for you to find what you need.


Good news, it is also extremely inexpensive and VERY BENEFICIAL!

I am excited to hear about your results.

Any questions? Join my Telegram chat & ask! https://t.me/detoxlife123!

🇺🇸 To your health & freedom,

Elise Lininger

🎙Detox Life PODCAST

If you're serious about your health, grab my complete 10 day detox program. It’s FREE for my online community.

None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.