3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System This Winter 

No matter where you live, or your current health circumstances, your immune system should be at the TOP OF YOUR MIND.

Especially if you’re in a location that has long winters like I am, in Montana. Weeks, even months, where we are inside and more likely to catch something. Here are a few things to focus on daily to strengthen your immune system.

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables  (organic if possible)

All systems of your body work best when they are properly fed. This includes your immune system. Stick to a mainly whole foods based diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you feel like you might be a little under the weather or suspect that you may have come into contact with someone sick, increasing your intake of Vitamin C may help as well. Eat a few citrus fruits. Broccoli, cauliflower, and kale are other great options. 

Avoid eating processed foods. It takes a lot of time and effort to digest them and you don’t want to weigh your body down with extra work when that energy could be used to boost your immune system, keep you from getting sick, or help you get well sooner. 

Get Some Exercise 

In addition to eating well, get out there and get regular exercise. For best results, work out in the fresh air. Something as simple as a daily quick walk can help you stay well and strengthen your body. It has the added benefit of helping you to de-stress. I don’t have to tell you that you’re more likely to get sick when you are stressed out. Use daily exercise to destress and stay well. It will also help you with the last way to boost your immune system. 

Make Time for Sleep 

This tip is easy to skip over, yet it is the most important one for most of us and the one that can give your immune system a great boost. It’s getting enough sleep. Make the time to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Practice good sleep hygiene. Don’t let the word scare you. It means turning off your phone and other screens a few hours before bed. Keep your bedroom calm, quiet, and at a temperature that encourages sleep. It also includes establishing and sticking to a bedtime routine. As an added bonus, you’ll feel more energized for everything else you have to do all day. 

And a bonus tip… in my opinion the MOST IMPORTANT ONE:


Gut health is the root cause of so many issues people are dealing with it’s incredible. Seriously, when you start focusing on your gut health by getting some nutraceutical grade prebiotics, probiotics, and active digestive enzymes combined with premium quality ingredients, it’s AMAZING how much better you will feel (and look).

If you're really serious about your health, grab my complete 10 day detox program. It’s FREE for my online community. And in addition, please reach out to me about the supplements I love, here.

🇺🇸 To your health & freedom.

None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.

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