How to tell if smoothies are hindering your health & hormones

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So before you get all upset about your smoothie habit, I'm not here to tell you to stop having them. 😅🥤

In fact, I love smoothies and I even promote for a nutritional company that has my favorites, but often times, it's the extra stuff we put in them that can be costing us our health!

I often have people tell me how I'd be so proud of them because they whipped up a delicious smoothie for breakfast. When I ask what they put in their smoothie, I hear things like bananas, strawberries, yogurt, peanut butter, orange juice or milk.

Well, there's a problem with that. 

Those ingredients will cause a spike in your blood sugar. They are way too rich in sugar and should not be in your smoothie! Especially if you want to lower inflammation, balance your hormones, and even drop some body fat.

You see, fruits are great and high in antioxidants and vitamins, but they are sweet and rich in fructose (fruit sugar), so having too much fruit can cause blood sugar issues and insulin sensitivity just the way a bagel or donut might! This in turn makes PMS worse, makes you moody, causes you to age faster (yikes!), causes you to gain weight (rather quickly) and drains your energy levels.

I promote starting with GUT HEALTH first. Gut health is the root cause of so many issues people are dealing with it’s incredible. Seriously, when you start focusing on your gut health by getting some nutraceutical grade prebiotics, probiotics, and active digestive enzymes combined with premium quality ingredients, it’s AMAZING how much better you will feel (and look).

If you're eating too much fruit, find yourself snacking on treats everyday or snooping around the kitchen after 10pm looking for a sweet fix, that's a sign that your blood sugar is imbalanced. 

To begin, start to minimize sugar in general. Your taste-buds WILL adjust, I promise.

Minimizing or eliminating the sugar will improve your health dramatically! 

If you're really serious about your health and want to continue to support your hormones with the right foods, my complete 10 day detox program is the perfect next step for you.

In the meantime, if you're a smoothie lover and making them regularly, be sure to start minimizing sugary ingredients.  Start with the shakes I love (reach out to me here for details).

🇺🇸 To your health & freedom.

None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.

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