5 Tips for Dealing with Stress when You Are Highly Sensitive

You know that you are a highly sensitive person (HSP), or maybe you are starting to realize that you may be. Either way, there are some choices you can make in your daily life to help yourself navigate the minefields of life. 

Set Boundaries

Boundaries come in many forms. The first and most important is to make boundaries in your relationships. Surround yourself with people that do not create more stress for you. However, this also means letting those you love to know when they are creating more anxiety in your life. 

The second type of boundary is one of time and space. If you know that a jam-packed schedule will create tension in your day, do your best to plan your schedule to allow breathing room between meetings or activities. Or give yourself a lunch break away from people and places so you can reset.

Be Mindful

You can be mindful of your schedule, but you can also be mindful of what you allow into your mind. Consider practicing meditation, either guided or on your own, or try yoga in the privacy of your own home. YouTube is a great place to find guided meditation and beginner yoga practices.

Areas of Relaxation

Create areas of relaxation in your life. Your home and office (if you have a private one), should be areas you feel comfortable, safe, and not triggered by anything. This can be soothing lights, sounds, and scents. 


Self-care is more than pedicures, massages, and TV shows. However, if all those things help you relax, go for it! Self-care is as basic as eating nutritious meals that fuel your body and mind, drinking water, getting plenty of sleep. Also, not over-doing it on things that make your body go crazy like caffeine or sugary foods. Simple self-care can go a long way and help give you the energy to practice self-care in other forms, such as setting boundaries and avoiding drama!

Know Yourself

You know what causes you stress, so do your best to avoid those while still functioning to do what needs to get done. If something needs to get done, but causes you stress, OUTSOURCE IT. I cannot stress this enough — if it doesn’t require your DNA or your actual voice/face, hire someone else to do the things that cause you stress or anxiety.

If you do not know what your triggers are, you should work at being more mindful, so you can find the pressure points. Consider keeping a journal and writing about your feelings when you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. This may allow you to uncover what is causing the tension and you can avoid those in the future.

Being a highly sensitive person is nothing to be ashamed of. I have been highly sensitive my entire adult life and I am also very successful in business because I know how to make it work for me (and I’ve learned how to set boundaries around what triggers me).

Having high sensitivity simply means you need to know yourself a little better and take these steps to set yourself up for success. Through the process, you may just find that you are stronger and more resilient than you thought!!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience, training as an IHP, advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.