A love note to my son from a mom with chronic illness

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A love note to my son, from a mom with chronic illness... 🖋

Noah, I love you! You are 12 years old now and so full of joy. I love that you love to travel with me! We have had so many adventures together. I’m sorry I have been so sick. I hope you always remember me as someone that loves adventure and fun, not just lying around in bed. I am working on healing. I’m working on finding answers. I’m sorry I’m not with you everyday. Being apart is so hard.

Love, mom. 💔

Being a mom with a chronic illness really sucks.

So much guilt. So little energy.

I savor the moments when the sun peaks through the storm clouds of my life. And I feel so fortunate to capture a few pictures like this.

Sometimes I can feel my personality peak through, too. But most of the time I just feel numb from pain and nausea.

I have seen 20 different doctors and specialists this year. We have a few answers, including defective genes... Mold illness, breast implant illness, MTHFR, Lyme Disease, and Parasites…. all illnesses that western medicine doesn’t address (or even believe in), it seems.

So shout out to my peeps with a chronic illness... stay strong!

Keep looking for answers!

Find the doctors that will partner with you and make you feel validated.

Fire the rest, they work for YOU!

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