Staying Positive in a Negative Season of Life


When it feels like everything is going negative... you MUST try to find the positive. Whether you’re dealing with a chronic illness, divorce, financial hardships, death in the family, or anything that feels awful right now... try to rise above the muck.

It’s really dangerous to spin out and land into feeling depressed and hopeless.

Not sure how to start seeing the positive in a negative season of life?

Start by writing a gratitude list.

You could start with expressing gratitude for the air you’re breathing and clean water you’re drinking.

A roof over your head.

Food in your belly.

Once you get the list going, more things will come to mind.

Try this Gratitude Journal to help you with prompts that will begin shifting your mindset to the positives.

I love you. You’ve got this.

I’d love to hear from you… what are some ways that YOU find the positive when negatives are trying to hit you?

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