Treating parasites and flushes when western medicine fails

My story is kind of long but I feel it will help some you that are struggling with flushes. I have been advise not to do flushes if you have flukes in liver as flushing stones will potentially be blocked these parasites. I am a huge advocate of holistic approach but I did find answers using meds here... so hopefully this will serve someone looking for answers!


For seven years, off and on, I’ve had gallbladder attacks. 😱 Every scan said no stones, no sludge. They treated me for ulcers for two years... taking PPIs (Zantac, Nexium etc) which lowers HCL, your stomach acid that can actually fight off the parasite eggs you may be exposed to in every day life.

Risk Factors:

  • Travel

  • Eating out

  • Buying produce

  • Pets

  • Living on a farm

  • Camping, hiking swimming outdoors

  • Weakened immune system (mold, Lyme etc)

We discovered mold from a slow leak in our guest bedroom. The HIDA scan I had in February showed an ejection fraction of 14%. It’s supposed to be 40%. My gallbladder was not releasing the bile like it should, so I had my gallbladder removed in March, I was so miserable. And bedridden. The last time I was up and about was Thanksgiving of last year. In April, I started going to the Mayo clinic. I requested a liver doctor but he referred me out to GI right away because my liver enzymes were normal. I told him I suspected parasites. They did a stool test and it was negative. I have now had six negative stool tests. The pain consistently got worse and so did the nausea and so did the weight loss, brain fog, headaches, weight loss, low energy, emotional lows, anxiety and crying.

I started taking Biocidin LSF in April (full moon) for candida. On the second day of taking it there was a very long white worm wrapped around my stool. So that’s my lightbulb moment. I continued to do the Biocidin but every time I did I would get either a yeast infection or UTI, a bad cold, or a cold sore. My immune system was quite weak, so I could only manage a drop a day... then had to go to 1 drop every 3 days.

We discovered the second colony of mold in our house in June. I started having POTS symptoms with spiked heart rates and fainting episodes. I got tested by a Lyme-literate MD and sure enough, I have both Lyme and Mold illness. I was diagnosed with CIRS which stands for chronic inflammatory response syndrome. All my vitamins, hormones and neurotransmitters were LOW and I was anemic! Also I was peeing/wetting my pants about every half hour. It was a nightmare.

But I thought we had found the answer! I was wrong. It’s so layered!

The right upper quadrant pain persisted. I was scheduled for a breast-explant in October. But, the week of the surgery, I developed cellulitis in my right hand. So my doctor canceled the surgery because my immune system was too weak.

At the beginning of November, ironically just before the full moon-again, I saw one of the posts in the Lyme awareness group share that they had taken Ivermectin. So I said F* 🤬 it and did some research, ordered it on Amazon and gave it a go on 11/8 of a half dose, and on 11/9 a quarter dose.

What followed was an experience right out of horror films. Every American’s worst nightmare. I say every American because what I have learned is that Americans have a belief that we do not have parasites in this country. The medical system believes that and so do the people. After my experience and talking with many people over the last couple of weeks,I am seeing that this is wrong. Very, very wrong! In fact, I think it’s criminal that our medical system is not addressing this rampant problem.

In Germany, they have done studies on cancer and almost 100% of tumors have parasites within them. Anti-parasitic medicine disrupts the tubules in tumors, as well as in parasites, that’s why it works. Also that’s why it’s gentle on the host. The side effects people experience is a result from the die-off of the parasites. They release all kinds of nasty bacteria, toxins (like ammonia) and heavy metals from their biofilm matrix.

Anyone with chronic illness, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, or a weakened immune system should absolutely start clearing parasites ASAP. Once you are sick and bedridden it is really really really hard!

I discovered that I have parasites in my arms, my legs, my breast tissue, my digestive system, and my liver. This is called a disseminated hyper infestation. The die off is brutal. I was sick for a solid two weeks after taking the horse dewormer Ivermectin.

This week I took fenbendazole. I’m doing much better & I’m regaining strength and I don’t have the horrible upper right quadrant pain, as frequently. The next med we will do is praziquantel (specifically targets flukes, the flat worms that love the liver).

During the first day on Ivermectin, I could see the worms come up to the skin surface on my arms and legs and breasts. I also could feel them moving in my liver area and in my gut. As they struggled to fight back. The first four days I cleared with them with every bowel movement every half an hour. My body was working so hard to expel them as they died and their biofilm weakened and my immune system finally detected them. My head pounded from the worst migraine of my life and I had to receive two IVs for dehydration.

I honestly don’t know where they all lived in my body, as I’m now 120 pounds at 5’10” and I honestly don’t know how Western medicine missed this: 5 trips to Mayo, 18 different doctors and 40+ blood labs, 6 negative parasite tests, 25 different ultrasounds, scans, scopes, x-rays, and other random tests.

I am supremely disappointed.

But, can you imagine if I had given up and settled for a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic fatigue or some such thing?

I am hopeful for a full recovery; I’m already seeing improvement. The emotional stress, self doubt and self-loathing I’ve experienced this month has been unparalleled.

WARNING: Please don’t attempt to start clearing parasites unless you have a support system in place. Also be sure your drainage pathways are open. Take herbs to support your liver and kidneys in advance of starting your protocol, make sure you’re moving your bowels twice a day.

Look into starting coffee enemas as that will speed up the process of removing toxins from your body. Otherwise your hepatic vein will take toxins from your colon right back to your liver. When your liver is overwhelmed it shunts to the kidneys which then overwhelms the kidneys and leads to problems in your entire system and can lead to very bad skin problems.

The crazy thing is I would’ve never had the confirmation as to the extent of this parasitic infestation if I hadn’t have taken the risk of taking horse worming medicine. If you study the animal meds, you will see it’s the same ingredients by the same manufacturers... sold for people worldwide… for super cheap! Hmmmm. 😳🤬😭

This is a long haul for people like me (MTHFR, HLADR, Lyme & Mold). I’m paying close attention to the full moons. They 🐛🐉🧪 have a complex life cycle! 😱😭🤬😳 The eggs and cysts can survive up to 5 years of certain species. The meds don’t kill them. You have to kill them when they hatch. They come to the gut at full & new moons.

My new doctor said I could have saved my GB had I originally been treated for parasites all those many years ago... It’s so sad. But at least I know now and can share this story to hopefully save someone else from this physical and emotional pain! I made a video on my Facebook about my newest doctor that is an answer to prayer, on my profile. Here is the video.

Amazon links:

Duramectin Ivermectin Paste 1.87%:

Panacur C Canine Dewormer (fenbendazole), 2 gram:

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