Busy-ness vs. Business: How to avoid burnout in your health and business

We are hard-wired for taking action and getting stuff done.

It only makes sense, doesn’t it? Our survival as a society depends on the actions of lots of different people. We each do our part and everything runs smoothly. It only makes sense then that we have an internal mechanism hard wired into our brain that rewards us for getting things done. 

I’m sure you’ve seen this in action in your own life. You feel proud, accomplished, and happy when you wrap up a big work project, or finish re-organizing your closet. It’s a great feeling and it’s what drives us to get things done on a regular basis. It’s motivation to get to work and take action. 


Sometimes if we don’t feel like we’re contributing, we get depressed. People who don’t have a fulfilling job, feel like they’re not seeing an impact, or feel like the work they do is useless, are much more likely to feel down, tired, sad, and depressed. 

Thus, the hustle & grind very quickly turns into burnout & frustration.

The best way to turn that around is to find something, anything we can do to make us feel productive. If we feel like we’re contributing to others, having a positive impact on their lives, all the better. Give it a try. The next time you feel down, force yourself to do one little productive thing. Go clean the bathroom, organize your bookshelf, or do a load of laundry. Then use the accomplishment from that to motivate yourself to get something else done. Keep building on it, and before you know it you’ll notice your mood changing for the better.

If you want to supercharge this experience, go out and do something productive that helps others. Go work at a soup kitchen for a couple of hours, or help out at your local animal shelter. Offer to babysit for a friend with little kids who hasn’t gotten out all week. Do something that benefits someone else and you’ll feel even better than before. 

How does this apply to your health and business?

I’m glad you asked. ☺️

Your brain’s natural wiring is to protect you from harm. Harm, including our own stress and anxiety. So, your brain will convince you to do busy-ness when it’s more comfortable (i.e. safer, less painful, less frustrating) than doing business. It looks like “we should wait til the new year before we start a better nutrition plan”. Or, “we should wait until after Christmas before I start that business idea” or “we have so much to do like cleaning the house and color-coding our pantry, we should totally procrastinate the thing that will really make a difference in our future!” (sounds silly, right?)

Here’s a life hack: Build a source of income that helps fuel the feeling of contributing, making progress, and giving back. Align in business with a team that makes things fun and simple. Wouldn’t it be great if the hours you spent earning a living each week, also contributed to your overall happiness and a feeling of fulfillment?

In the beginning of my adult career, I was a teacher & educator.

Then, I chose network marketing in the nutritional space as my primary work, and recently also became an Integrative Health Practitioner to help people with their health & wellness, too.

What can you do this week or this month to work towards this goal? Start NOW. Don’t wait until after the holidays are over… that’s a whole month lost to busy-ness that you could be building a business (or working on your health). Time is the one thing you can never get back — start NOW.

You are your first priority on your “to do” list!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.