Detox Life answers to a FAQ: Dosing Biocidin and Detoxing Candida

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend if you are celebrating it here in the USA! I recently had a question come in on my Telegram chat (I answer DetoxLIFE-related questions personally there!) that I actually get quite often, so I wanted to share my answer here along with a few recommendations.


Elise I have been on “Biocidin” going on 2 weeks. I started slow. No back pains only a funny feeling in stomach for a little while. Going to 3 drops today.   I am not seeing any biofilm being spit up & just a little something in stool. I am thinking it’s because I forgot to take a binder?!?  When is best time to take binder?  


Keep going increasing your dose according to the dosage instructions. You may be keeping it all in pretty good balance. If you notice any new symptoms pop up as you increase stay at that dose or go back down a few drops. For me it’s always a low grade fever, cold sores, gum infection and headaches that I get when I take Biocidin! It’s different for everyone depending on your terrain.  Take your binder an hour later.  Better out than in!  


Order of the cleanses:

Kill largest to smallest. So parasites… then bacteria & fungus (Candida & mold)

Get mercury amalgams removed with a Biological Dentist.

Then clear heavy metals. 

Do liver flushes coffee enemas and epsom salt baths along the way. And definitely sweat 6 days a week-IFR Sauna or Epsom Salt Baths. Take a binder before and after-this will reduce the toxic burden on liver and kidneys. One charcoal and one bentonite clay one hour before dinner to bind toxins I killed off earlier in the day with Biocidin & Oliverex. 


Do you have feedback or any questions? Please join the convo in my 💬TELEGRAM chat!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience, training as an IHP, advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.