Who could have imagined that in this lifetime, Americans would give up their civil liberties and lock down and mask up. 

FEAR is the single most motivating emotion. Take a look. Do you want to give up your civil liberties for an ILLUSION OF SAFETY?

This vaccine is the last thing you want to do. It is not proven safe.

It will alter your RNA & DNA.

It will turn your body into a protein manufacturing-creates squalene oil based adjuvants, nano particle technology electrical frequency. If you have chronic illness and can’t clear inflammation. If your unique genetic makeup predisposes you to chronic inflammation. The Vax stimulates inflammation to create an antibody response. Bad for people like myself. This is not a natural way for the body to build immunity. 

Why don’t people think critically?

Why aren’t vax companies liable?

Relationships are torn apart. 

We have a right to make exercise informed consent for a medical procedure, vax or medications.

Everyone must decide... am I going to be someone that violates the civil rights of others? Or am I going to stand up for civil liberties? Am I going to fight for medical freedom.

States are removing vaccine exemptions. 

Get educated. portal. Free membership. Staff monitors vaccine related words. And alerts you on a local level with a unique letter to contact your local leadership. 

Prior to this mess, you could attend public hearings.  VIRGINIA eliminated the the ability of local legislators to make vaccine laws. Now VA says all vaccines are mandated according to CDC. Those of us in the know, know they CDC is historically corrupt. (Reminds me of what happened when they pushed through the common core/federally mandated curriculum).

Travel... Flights forever changed.

Taught to view each other as infected and dangerous.
Very detrimental for children.
Masks keep people scared. 

Historically you quarantined the sick. Not the healthy. It doesn’t make sense. 

Did you know the warehouses were empty? Obama did that.
Also China held onto PPE prior to going public with the disease.

So… what can you do NOW? 

Go outside, take a deep breath and know we will get through this. 

Lower stress.

Increase Vit D. 

Incorporate healthy habits to start lowering weight. 

Cut down on sugar. 

Prepare for the colder months. 

(excerpt from Dr. Mercola)


None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.

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