The top 5 immune support nutrients

Here are a few vitamins that are crucial, especially for your immune system if you work outside of the home or if your kids attend school outside of the home. You have GOT to get your GUT HEALTH right, first and foremost. If your GUT is unhealthy, it will be extremely challenging to get the other areas of your body healthy.

Please let me know if you need some help with my preferred gut health supplements. I will send you my link for my favorite supplements and my gut health products to get started with!

The top 5 immune support nutrients (suspended in an emulsified liquid for optimal absorption)*

  • Vitamin A — Supports respiratory and lung health*

  • Vitamin C — Healthy histamine regulation, immune system defenses, respiratory health*

  • Vitamin D3 — Supports cells that control the immune system*

  • Vitamin K — Modulates normal immune cell function*

  • Zinc — Supports healthy immunity and oxidative stress levels*

Also… here are some interesting VITAMIN D stats and info:
2 dozen peer reviewed papers supporting Vit D
Deeply pigmented skin will need 2-3-4x more time in the sun 
1918 pandemic, soldiers on ships were taken to the deck for sun and fresh air. Field hospitals set up for sun and fresh air.  Nursing homes residents need daily outdoor sun. 
Vit D lowers 2 major causes of death: 50-80% CANCER & Heart Disease. 
Optimize Vit D levels to boost immunity.
Also get the side benefits of drastically lowering cancer and heart disease risk.
Vit D decreases autoimmune illnesses.
POF & nursing homes are at greater risk due to low Vit D and metabolic issues. 
10-100x lower risk for everyone else.

(excerpt from Dr. Mercola)


None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.

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