Stress Kills - Isn’t It Time You Did Something About It? 

Are you feeling stressed? I’d be surprised if you weren’t.

Between the state of the world, the media, TRUTH, work, and family… most people feel stressed out more often than they would like to admit. Add to it (for most people) a chronic lack of sleep and exercise and you have a recipe for disaster.

Stress kills and that’s no joke.


Stress will cause your blood pressure to rise. You’ve experienced this when you found yourself hot and with a raging headache when you were in a particularly stressful situation. Feeling that way from time to time is no big deal.

The real danger is in the lower-level stress we all feel on a daily basis. It can lead to hypertension and a higher risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke. 

Next, let’s look at sleep. When you’re stressed, you don’t sleep well. You may even find it hard to sleep at all. Insomnia is a common side effect of living a stress-full life.

It doesn’t take long before you start to feel the negative side effects of not getting quality sleep. You feel drained, unfocused, and things spiral downward from there quickly. Your body can’t function well and recover without at least a few good hours of sleep per night. For optimal health, destress and shoot for at least six to eight hours. 

Since stress is so hard on the body and mind, what can you do to reduce it? Quite a bit actually. The most obvious solution is to go to the source of the stress and cut it out of your life. Obviously that isn’t very practical in many situations. Instead, try things to actively relax and destress when and where you can, such as:

Go for a walk outside. 

Get some exercise. 


Learn some breathing exercises to help calm yourself down.

Get plenty of quality sleep. 

Take the best gut health and overall wellness supplements.

Eat healthy and organic whenever possible.

Cut down on sugar and artificial caffeine. 

Take a natural stress support supplement.

Being aware of the stress and how it is affecting you is a great first step.

Please let me know if you want recommendations on supplements. I will send you links and info to get you started depending on your goals.

None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.

Would you like my personal recommendations for SUPPLEMENTS to help support your health?
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