How to Detox Parasites and Mold Illness

We are just coming out of one of the hardest, most miserable weeks of our lives. You may know we have been battling mold illness, candida, Lyme and the emotional roller coaster of leaving all our belongings and family behind to find healing. If you know anyone with chronic illness or cancer... this could really help them. I’m embarrassed sharing this, but committed to sharing my story to help others find answers.


This week we started a specific parasite cleanse. I have been to 18 different doctors/specialists, including Mayo. I told them I think I have parasites, mold and #breastimplantillness and they laughed it off. ...No, it couldn’t be mold, you don’t have any respiratory symptoms (mold illness is tricky, it effects all the systems in the body differently for each person). No, it couldn’t possibly be parasites, we live in USA (how naive). No, it couldn’t possibly be your implants, those are safe according to studies/FDA (what a lie)...

So my sister and I left MT in September so we could be in the sunshine and outside most of the time.

Two weeks ago I battled cellulitis on my hand. Very scary. My explant surgery was canceled as a result. I didn’t improve much with treatment though. But as the antibiotics effected my guy biome, the little f*ers took the opportunity to grow some more. My stomach started hurting all the time and daily headaches started as well as weird buzzing feelings in my legs and belly.
((Do NOT keep reading if you are squeamish or believe that because we live in the USA, people don’t have parasites))

This week we started learning about parasites. I have done monthly parasite cleanses but had to do them verrry slowly because I had sooo many Herx reactions (the die-off is poison to the body & other hidden infections pop up when the immune system is so weak). Anyway we learned about ivermectin (horse deworming med) and how effective it was with a single dose-research this deeply if you try it. I learned that this med is safely given worldwide but is very difficult it get here in the states.

So on Tuesday, we took a dose. We had a light meal for dinner and by bedtime all hell broke loose for me. You don’t know horror until you have done a parasite cleanse. I have no words. It was like I was living my worst nightmare. I passed a ton of worms in the toilet. I felt like they were in my bladder and vagina from the cramping and burning sensation. Worse than labor pains. And a splitting headache, the worst one I have ever had. Then the skin on my legs started burning and there they were right under my skin. Both legs and in different spots, about 20 total. After about five minutes, they disappeared one by one. No, I wasn’t tripping. And thank God my sister saw it or I, today would think that I had a nightmare. I started bawling my eyes out. Can you even imagine?

So I learned that when you make their environment unfriendly they scatter. And the adults die off triggering the eggs and cysts to hatch. I’m sick to my stomach typing this again. And because of their life cycle and the fact that they can live in a cysted state until the environment improves for them I will be doing this for the next 5 f-ing years!!!

Today is day 4. No food, just electrolytes and a couple juices and some bone broth. Still pooping out parasites. It’s disgusting and depressing. And I can feel them moving in my body... not just in my abdomen. So that’s my life right now. Sucks. Big time. I have no words for how I feel. Jessica and I are just numb. Thank God we have each other. It sucks when no one relates.

Now I understand why emergency services say it’s CRAZY during the full moon. No joke. The parasites are most active then. Every single month since April when I started parasite treatment has been the same during a full moon. They effect your brain... disrupt your neurotransmitters and devour your nutrients. It’s all out war in your own body. But you have to be careful bc if you kill them too quickly, en masse, they release their toxic enteric bacteria and it can cause septicemia and even organ failure, just to add a touch more anxiety to this walk in the park. This full moon is the hardest though because I added the Ivermectin and a new herbal killer.

If you read this far... do a parasite cleanse ASAP. Even if you think YOU DO NOT have them, I didn’t think I did!! Once they are multi-generational in your body, you have a WW3 💥 on your hands and that is not an understatement!

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Support liver with push-catch from.:
1-Quicksilver for 1-2 weeks prior.
2-Then Paraguard 3x/day followed by Quicksilver Ultrabinder 2-3 hours later.
3-Ivermectin and other meds are big guns, you can order them online from international pharmacy.

Look online/FB for the Sharkmans Protocol, developed by a farm veterinarian for her sick/infested son. Vets know more about parasites than doctors... doctors just think it’s delusional.

”The Rainbarrel Effect” by Dr. Cabral (also has podcast)
”The Cure for all Diseases” by Dr. Hilda Clark
”Toxic” by Dr Neil Nathan

This is a loooong battle if you haven’t done regular cleanses. So you might as well start before you get sick with something else!

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