Resources about masks effectiveness against Covid 19 CV

Mask or no mask, to protect others against CV?

I am seeing more and more divisiveness and anger around this topic. The unfortunate part, in my opinion, is that SO MANY people are forming their beliefs solely based on what they see through the lens of the media, or politicians (including those who are “experts”) who are biased and have an agenda.

🔥 Please listen to this podcast with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. 🔥

Board certified Physician also covers treatments, the cv vax and lots of in depth info.

Not a single randomized controlled trial with verified outcome has been able to detect a statistically significant advantage of wearing a mask versus not wearing a mask, when it comes to preventing infectious viral illness.

If there were any significant advantage to wearing a mask to reduce infection risk to either the wearer or others in the vicinity, then it would have been detected in at least one of these trials, yet there's no sign of such a benefit.

There is no evidence that masks are of any utility for preventing infection by either stopping the aerosol particles from coming out, or from going in.

You're not helping the people around you by wearing a mask, and you're not helping yourself avoid the disease by wearing a mask.

Infectious viral respiratory diseases primarily spread via very fine aerosol particles that are in suspension in the air. Any mask that allows you to breathe therefore allows for transmission of aerosolized viruses.

Watch this full interview here.

Do your research.

Learn. Stop listening to what the media feeds you, and use your own critical thinking skills.

Who wins when people get sick?

Who has money behind those companies?

Who’s money is fueling this fire?

And be sure to BOOKMARK this site linking to international studies on the use of HCQ, for all the scientific papers from unbiased scientists (getting hard to come by here in USA, in regards to COVID & vax). I have been so sick from mold this past year and have a weakened immune system. If I get CV, HCQ is our treatment plan. Please don’t be scared of HCQ. The study the media shared was biased. They gave the patients 4x the recommended dose.

Tell me… after you do your own research and read through the studies of masks and this particular virus, what are your thoughts? Mask or no mask?

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PS: FREE GIFT: Download my 10-day Detox program.

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