What is Herxheimer Reaction? Navigating Symptoms during a Gut Health Program or Nutritional Detox

It’s SO SAD to me when people give up on a new gut health program or nutritional detox right when they start, because it’s sometimes uncomfortable.

Because when they quit, I know for a fact, they're really just getting started on the rollercoaster of prolonged issues and symptoms. Ask me how I know!? 😂

Please save this post, especially if you are in the health & wellness space, or if you’re trying to get control over your health by starting a new program.

Simply put: it's common to experience temporary discomfort at first.

It’s known as Herxheimer reaction or "healing crisis" when starting these protocols.

So, what the heck is Herxheimer Reaction?

Herxheimer reaction is a temporary response that occurs when the body detoxifies and eliminates toxins at a rapid rate. As the body adjusts to the changes brought on by a new gut health program or nutritional detox, symptoms may arise as a result of the toxins being released into the bloodstream.

Common Symptoms of Herxheimer Reaction

While the symptoms can vary from person to person, some common ones include:

  • fatigue

  • headache

  • muscle or joint aches

  • digestive upset (such as bloating or diarrhea)

  • skin breakouts

  • temporary worsening of existing symptoms

I know… it sounds counter-intuitive…you mean I am trying to alleviate these problems and this new protocol or product is what’s making me feel WORSE? Yup. And it’s NORMAL. These reactions are generally short-lived and a sign that the body is working to eliminate toxins. Sounds crazy, but it’s a GOOD sign.

In fact, here’s what one of my fav practitioners says about it:

You may also be familiar with these terms: detox reactions, die-off reactions, a healing crisis, or herx reactions. No matter the name, the experience is all the same – your body reacting poorly to the flood of toxins being released. This includes things like parasites, viruses, bacteria, mold, and any by-products these toxins produce.

When you are detoxing, you want these toxic products to be shuttled out of the body quickly. But if your drainage channels aren’t open and ready for the release, they can get stuck in the pathways and ultimately, be reabsorbed back into the body.

Here’s the thing – while herxheimer reactions can make you feel pretty miserable, it does not mean your protocol isn’t working.

While you can definitely slow down (perhaps halve your protocol/vitamin regimen) for a week or two to ease the symptoms… do not stop!

Stay consistent with the supplements and protocols recommended, as this discomfort is often a sign of progress. The body needs time to adjust, and with persistence, the symptoms will subside and truly you’ll likely begin to feel BETTER THAN EVER!

Tips to Ease Herxheimer Symptoms


Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body. Stay hydrated!! Get it OUT!!!

Also, add a hydration drink. My fav is the hydration drink packet I recommend to all my clients that has Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, Coconut Water and more minerals — yum yum! If you don’t drink enough water, having little things like this can make a huge difference in how you feel.

Rest and Relaxation

I always say this to you all, but REST allows the body to heal and recover more efficiently. Prioritize sleep and find some relaxation techniques you can do such as deep breathing or meditation, playing soft music, reading for fun, laughing, or going for a slow nature walk.

Gentle Movement

Doing a bit of light activity like walking, stretching, or yoga can get your circulation going and support the elimination of toxins.

Most importantly… stay committed. Your efforts are leading to positive changes!!!

By staying consistent, practicing self-care, and following these tips to ease the symptoms, you CAN get through the healing crisis more comfortably and achieve your health goals, I promise!!

Was this helpful? Write back to let me know!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.